Saturday, December 24, 2011

Dr Martin a Song by Dennis Magnusen

Dennis' fist YouTube of a song he wrote long ago in honor of Martin Luther King Jr.

Peripheral Neuropathy HELP and SUPPORT:http://www.neuropathy.orgThe Neuropathy Association is the leading national non-profit organization serving the peripheral neuropathy community. We provide support and education, advocate for patients’ interests, and promote research into the causes of and cures for neuropathy.~~*~~


AmberA13 said...

Hello Kathy! My name is Amber and I was one of Mr. Magnusrn's students at Killingsworth Jr High in '89-'90. Many of us have wondered about him over the years. As for myself, he was one of my favorite teachers. Probably the COOLEST teacher! Obviously one that so many still remember today. It breaks my heart to hear that he suffers from PN. My prayers are with him

Kathy Ostman-Magnusen said...

AmberA13 Dennis would love to hear from any of his students.