Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Dennis Needs Help

I have decided to write on my Congressman's Facebook  every day in hopes that someone will hear me.  My Congressman is Darrell Issa in CA. Here below is what I wrote to him today.

First I posted the pic above but it of course is not visible on his site unless you click it.  Here is what I wrote about the pic: THIS is how we treat our finest.  This is the REALITY of it.  My husband Dennis left of the floor at the VA La Jolla to vomit into a towel.  We finally had to leave to go to another ER.  WHY?  Because the VA in LaJolla/SanDiego takes the LOWEST bidder for meds for "our finest".  That is not acceptable for someone with as an acute condition as my husband.  I wrote comments below under the Todd Akin post only because I am sure this will be deleted. Yet again the VA has given him meds that his body will not tolerate.  This is a nightmare.  We cannot continue to live this way.  Please hear me! I asked for help before but nothing has changed.  Vietnam Vets affected by Agent Orange have a saying DENY DELAY DEATH. Please consider them as they fought and continue to die for your voice.

Under Congressman Issa's post about Todd Akin, I posted these remarks.  They are out of context I suppose but what can you do?  I need to be heard and hope that someone will listen and ultimately help us.  Here below are my comments:

I have decided to write to you every day, almost like a blog.  In fact I am going to blog what I write to you as well.  I sent a picture to you and your staff of my husband on the floor, vomiting into a towel at the La Jolla VA about 2 years ago. Nothing has changed in our lives because of you or your staff, in case you ever wondered.  I asked you for help.  You had the VA  investigate "themselves", so no help was given.  DENY DELAY DEATH This morning my husband VOMITED earlier more than usual. WHY? Because the VA continually changes the brand of his meds  as they take the lowest bidder. Nothing like the finest for our finest right? That might be ok for some  but not for someone like my husband whose condition is critical and hypersensitive.  It is a nightmare and one that plays on and off at the VA's will.  He has small nerve fiber neuropathy, among a host of other things, due to Agent Orange that the US Government sprayed on him and put into the Mekong Delta where he bathed. He had arsenic among other things on his skin in a hot humid climate continually for 9 months.  He went into the Army at 220 pounds and came out 140 pounds on his 6'2" frame. 

The other day I saw that the US Government is now closing more doors on claims regarding Peripheral Neuropathy.  Below is what I wrote as comment regarding that.

OK well that is it for today, see you tomorrow.  I will cry all day today because there is  no one to help and I know for a fact that you as my congressman will not either, but I will keep trying because quite honestly there is nothing else I can do. 



MY COMMENT: "How shameful this is! I write this as I listen to my husband VOMIT in the toilet, as he does every other morning, because of all the meds he must take in order to get through the day, due to the ACUTE pain of Small Nerve Fiber Neurooathy and Peripheral Neuropathy. Soldiers returning from Vietnam had symptoms of Peripheral Neuropathy but were pretty darn distracted because of people spitting on them (our finest?) when they returned, and everybody knows it. I read the other comments here and I just feel like crying my eyes out for them, and for me, who has no life as I live each day to care for my husband. SHAME ON THE US GOVERNMENT and VA. Vietnam Vets have a saying and it is eternally true, "DENY, DELAY, DEATH" After they are all gone and their children, who also suffer effects from Agent Orange are dead and gone, a report will come out saying, "Oh yeah ya know what? The poisons of Agent Orange did affect those people.. so sorry, lets build a monument." If anyone truly believed that Agent Orange would not affect a persons nervous systems, lets see that person agree to spraying a can of Raid on their skin, and agree to live in a humid climate. Do that and I will believe whoever decided this ludicrous decision actually believes this is just. Not only is this wrong of the US Government and VA, it also adds to the complete disrespect of all the sufferers of this cruel neurological disease. I take notes each time we go to the VA. I write down my husbands treatment for medical but also for abuse and ill regard of his service and person, giving him that label "not service connected". I shake my head and sigh as I know that this voice I use, this voice that soldiers fight for, die for, and my freedom to use it, is futile."

Disease Associated With Exposure to Certain Herbicide Agents: Peripheral Neuropathy


Proposed Rule.


The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) proposes to amend its adjudication regulation concerning presumptive service connection for acute and sub-acute peripheral neuropathy associated with exposure to certain herbicide agents.Show citation box
This proposed amendment is necessary to implement a decision by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to clarify and expand the terminology regarding presumption of service connection for peripheral neuropathy associated with exposure to certain herbicide agents.
Peripheral Neuropathy HELP and SUPPORT: The Neuropathy Association is the leading national non-profit organization serving the peripheral neuropathy community. We provide support and education, advocate for patients’ interests, and promote research into the causes of and cures for neuropathy. ~~*~~
YOU.. YES YOU.. can submit a comment as well!  Here is the link to do that:


HERE ARE OTHER COMMENTS:!docketDetail;dct=PS;rpp=100;so=DESC;sb=docId;po=0;D=VA-2012-VBA-0024


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