Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Alternative Treatment for Peripheral Neuropathy-Agent Orange-Vitamin B-12

Articles I've written as a sort of progress report on injections of high doses of Methycobalimin- a specific form of vitamin B. I am not a doctor.. so make no claims, I only relate our story. Articles below.

WARNING about this video showing the effects of Agent Orange, especially to the children of Vietnam. The You Tube is very graphic and disturbing. When you come across websites that say there is no proof of ill effects of Agent Orange, White, Blue... etc., on US soldiers or the people of Vietnam, know that is a LIE!!! Or that info is coming from someone ignorant to the facts of Vietnam or has some other alternative motive. I LOVE my country!! In my love for her I use my voice for decent! Decent is patriotism in its purest form, I want to see my country do the right thing and when it does not, that MUST BE VOICED.

I cannot stress enough the fact that the BEST thing you can do for yourself is you are a victim or someone who cares about the victim of Peripheral Neuropathy is to get Dr. Latov's book... look to the side of this blog for the link. This is through the Neuropathy Association, I get nothing off of this accept to know that I am passing on the best thing for you.

I have heard about the use of Lipoic Acid but to be honest Dennis has not tried that.

BE CAREFUL!! EVERYONE has a cure!! and it can cost a fortune besides adding to your depression.

In Dr. Latov's book as well as the Neuropathy Assoc. and their newsletters, there is great progress with IVig treatments. This is expensive and the VA is resisting giving those treatments to Denny... BUT!! WE WILL PERSEVERE!

VITAMIN B- in the specific form of Methycobalim HAS helped A LOT! Especially the shaking... worth a lot as you probably know. Here are my articles:

Alternative Treatment for Peripheral Neuropathy - Agent Orange - Vitamin B12 Supplements UK:

Alternative Treatment for Peripheral Neuropathy-Agent Orange-Vitamin B-12--Progress Report:

Alternative Treatment for Peripheral Neuropathy - Vitamin B12 Supplements UK-Second Progress Report:

Peripheral Neuropathy HELP and SUPPORT:

The Neuropathy Association is the leading national non-profit organization serving the peripheral neuropathy community. We provide support and education, advocate for patients’ interests, and promote research into the causes of and cures for neuropathy.




Joanne East said...

Going to try b 12 patches on my husband. He has peripheral neuropathy, borderline diabetic, prob service related. Many other issues that might be connected to b12. Surgeries for heart, aaa, kidneys, and now lung cancer (which IS an agent orange issue). Drs at VA are great mostly, but reluctant to look for root causes, so we'll experiment. Read online 50mgs! Can apply multiple patches till get a strong response. I got daily injections b12 in hospital and felt human for six months! Good luck.

Natural Herbs Clinic said...

Herbal Treatment for Peripheral Neuropathy read the Key Facts, Symptoms and Causes. Peripheral Neuropathy is a disorder that occurs when peripheral nerves malfunction because they are damaged.